Driving a vehicle is one of the most dangerous things people do; however, you can prevent certain problems if you know how to check your car before driving. Along with Kumho Tyre, experienced rally driver and rising star of Australian Motorsport, Molly Taylor, shares her vehicle preliminary safety check when she sets out on the road.
A General Visual Check
Check under the car for obvious leaks. Driving with leaking fluid may cause failure of the steering, brakes or radiator. Many people are quick to jump into the car and drive, but a 30 second inspection of the car could save you significant cost if there is a problem and more importantly, could help you avoid a serious crash.
Tyre Pressure & Appearance
Driving on underinflated tyres is dangerous and could cause a very serious accident. Air pressure should be checked as often as you fuel up, as this not only improves safety but also increases efficiency, saving you money on fuel and tyre wear. Always examine your tyres for penetrations, bulges, cracks or abnormal wear. Just like your tyre pressure, the condition of tyres can be a major risk factor in motor accidents. Also, don’t forget to check your spare!
Oil & Water Level
You should check your fluid levels weekly. Most new cars will have an indicator to tell you when oil and water levels are low, however every car can be checked manually under the bonnet. Read the owner's manual for directions on how to check these fluid levels, as this could save you a frustrating wait on the side of the road.
Windscreen Wipers and Washers
Believe it or not, it’s actually against the law to have faulty windscreen wipers. If yours aren’t working correctly it can be extremely hazardous when driving, particularly at speed. These should always be checked before you set out on your next journey. A sudden downpour could see you driving blind, leading to poor visibility and increasing your chances of becoming involved in an accident.